A stable market for historic numismatic coins even in times of pandemic – how to tap its potential?

A stable market for historic numismatic coins even in times of pandemic – how to tap its potential?
Security and law
7 October 2021

In the uncertain times that have come with the coronavirus pandemic, various forms of saving and investing have come under question. Money accumulated in savings accounts is threatened by the spectre of high inflation, commodity prices are plummeting and investments in shares are fraught with risk. In all this turmoil, the numismatic market has proved stable.

Why is it that historical numismatic items, rather than paintings or antiques, enjoy price stability? Because they are more liquid, their transport and storage is relatively easy and the market is massive. In addition, the purchase and sale of numismatic collectibles is easy to maintain in secrecy, which is not the case with other works of art.

Who should invest in numismats?

Based on daily sales, the industry is also accessible to everyone. It is traded on the Internet, in antique shops and at stock exchanges. For exceptional, unique numismatic items, auctions are organised. And, importantly, numismats are available in various price ranges. From coins for a few zlotys to objects which cost thousands of zlotys. Old coins available in the lower price range, i.e. for less than five hundred zlotys, are bought every day by several tens of thousands of people in our country, and outside our country there are hundreds of thousands of such transactions. Thus, almost anyone can embark on an adventure with numismatic collecting.

Where to start?

The price of numismatic items depends on many elements: their rarity, symbolic value, condition, beauty or origin. All this can make one's head spin, but at the same time the field proves to be extremely transparent. It is all thanks to the easy access to scientific, richly illustrated monographs and numerous officially published information which allow the necessary knowledge to be drawn. It is therefore not difficult to find detailed descriptions or photographs which make it possible to identify individual objects and to analyse their prices. Thanks to verified information on the history of individual numismatic items, their variants or degree of rarity, individual objects gain a high and established value. Of course, it is also necessary to find out how to avoid counterfeits and how to care for purchased numismats so that they do not lose their value. But this too is common knowledge that can be found, among other things, on the Internet.

How to store coins safely?

When collecting and trading numismatic coins, it is worth thinking about their secure storage, for example in a HARTMANN TRESORE home safe. The safe ensures full independence from both banking institutions and political decisions. In addition, an investment in a high-quality safe provides protection against theft and destruction not only of numismatic items, but also jewellery, important documents, money and other valuables. Safes for numismatic collectors can be equipped with a large number of drawers, in order to store exhibits easily.

Read also: 7 things to store in a safe

source: shutterstock.com

If, after all, you are afraid to invest in the market for historical numismatic items, collector coins and banknotes put into circulation by the National Bank of Poland are an alternative. Issued coins and banknotes commemorate important events, historical anniversaries or distinguished personalities. Collector banknotes, as compared to circulating banknotes, are richer in symbolism and differ in themes, but also have more advanced technical and graphic parameters. Coins, on the other hand, are made of precious metals such as gold and silver. They may also feature decorative elements of amber, glass, wood, zirconia, etc. Of course, collector coins and banknotes can be used exactly the same way as circulation coins and banknotes, i.e. as legal tender. However, it should be borne in mind that on the numismatic market they reach a much higher value than their face value. This value is determined by the free numismatic market.

Recent proposals by the National Bank of Poland

Collector banknotes are issued much less frequently than coins. The last banknote went into circulation in October 2019 and it was a banknote with a nominal value of PLN 19, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Polish Security Printing Works. However, a banknote issued to commemorate the Battle of Warsaw 1920 is planned for 2020.

Collector coins are issued much more frequently. This year one of the most interesting coins was undoubtedly the gold clip with the face value of 500 zloty, minted in gold of the 999.9 purity in the limited number of 966 pieces and having the issue value of 18,500 zloty, issued on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Karol Wojtyła. On the obverse there is a fragment of the painting "The Miracle at the Vistula", and on the reverse - the image of St John Paul II during his prayer at the baptismal font in the Basilica of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wadowice. And what else is in the issuing plan for this year? These will include a silver coin commemorating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Solidarity Trade Union and a silver coin dedicated to the victims of the KL Warschau camp.

Due to the higher than face value of commemorative coins and banknotes, they should be treated with the same care as historical numismatic coins. Proper storage, in a safe place and under proper conditions, will make them appreciate in value with each passing year.

If you want to learn more about safe storage of valuables, read also:  Deposit in a bank or a home safe - which to choose?

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