Storage of hazardous materials: chemical cabinets and safes

Storage of hazardous materials: chemical cabinets and safes
Security and law
13 October 2021

Hazardous materials and substances are used in manufacturing companies, laboratories, universities and even schools. Nevertheless, they are not always stored correctly and in accordance with the regulations. To ensure safe handling, chemicals and flammable substances should be stored in fire-proof cupboards or safes, which cannot be accessed by the public.

Chemicals under control

Aggressive chemicals and hazardous substances, which are used in manufacturing companies, industry, laboratories or technical universities, should be stored properly. By law, chemicals in quantities exceeding daily needs should be stored in hazardous material cabinets. Regardless of whether the chemicals are corrosive, flammable or harmful to the environment, they should be stored in containers, whose protection complies with the most stringent European standard EN 14470-1. A robust chemical cupboard or safe must therefore meet these requirements and at the same time ensure the safety of the people in the room, as well as eliminating any potential danger to the environment.

Eliminating risks is a must

Incorrectly stored chemicals can pose a risk both to employees and to the environment. The selection of a suitable cupboard or safe is therefore intended, among other things, to minimise the risk of fire. Flammable materials should be stored in cabinets and safes, whose resistance to high temperatures is respectively: 90, 60, 30 or 15 minutes. Another important parameter concerns ventilation, as a robust cupboard must not discharge toxic fumes into the environment. Its function is also to contain dangerous spills inside.

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Safes for chemicals

Choosing the right model of cupboard or safe depends on what chemicals or substances will be stored there. There are, for example, cabinets for flammable substances with the option of automatic door closing when the ambient temperature rises dangerously, cabinets for liquids which are harmful to health or poisonous, for storing canisters, explosives or water hazardous substances. The interior can also be configured in any way you like, e.g. by fitting tub shelves to prevent chemicals from leaking, or adjustable and extendable shelves. In addition, cabinets for hazardous materials are also fitted with an additional fan, which allows forced ventilation of the inside of the container.

Storage of dangerous substances

Some substances require separate storage. For example, gas cylinders and flammable liquids must not be stored together. In addition to selecting a suitable cabinet or safe, it is also necessary to designate a suitably marked and ventilated low-humidity room for their location. It is also necessary to limit access to it to unauthorised persons, which can be solved, for example, by using armoured doors. The selection of appropriate measures depends on individual needs and the type of stored substances, and thus also on legal regulations.

Check:  cabinets for hazardous materials at Hartmann Tresore

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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