5 unobvious facts about safes and security features

5 unobvious facts about safes and security features
Security and technology
23 September 2021

Did you know that already in ancient times prototypes of today's safes were used to store valuable items? Back then they were wooden chests with metal fittings, but over time the safes became more and more perfect and better protected – mainly against theft. Today you can get a high-class product – exclusive and customised. Here are five facts about safes and security devices that you might not have known.


Before a safe is on sale, it is tested. This is carried out by independent testing and certification organisations such as VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH or ESSA. Confirmation of meeting the test requirements is an appropriate badge, containing information such as burglary resistance and sometimes also fire resistance class. Fireproof safes provide protection against fire, smoke and fire extinguishing fluid for a specific period of time, e.g. 60 or 120 minutes. For this purpose, they undergo tests in a fire chamber, lasting approximately 24 hours.

During these tests, the safes are heated to temperatures in excess of 1,000 °C and then dropped from a height of more than nine metres onto a gravel base. The aim is to simulate the collapse of the ceiling in the event of a fire. This is exactly what is done, for example, at the Technische Universität Braunschweig (Technical University of Braunschweig), where Hartmann Tresore products are tested.

A safe of your own design

If you value the feeling of exclusivity above all else, or if you want your safe to be a unique product that matches your interior, you can design a bespoke safe. The only limit is your imagination.

A multi-coloured safe, featuring one of the designs prepared by the manufacturer or your own photo motif, looks great. We can use HD quality foil, which is glued on the safe and can be removed. We can also order a painted safe.

The equipment of the safe may be enriched with chromium-plated elements such as the lock, handle, bolts or hinge covers. For lining the inside of the safe, leather is used – either real or artificial. Safes can be fitted with LED lighting.

Alarm installation in a safe

You buy a safe when you want to protect expensive items or valuable keepsakes from damage. Protection against theft and unwanted access by third parties also remains important. If you want to increase your own security, consider installing sensors in your safe, which can then be connected to your building alarm system. If you want to find out more, here is some more information: some important aspects.

Which safes are alarms installed in? Alarm installations are mainly used in safes for valuables, i.e. safes in which you intend to store jewellery, watches, gold or other valuables, a large cash deposit. Retrofitting a safe with an alarm installation clearly increases security and at the same time translates into an increase in allowable insurance sums.


A warranty for safes or cabinets is usually given for one or two years, or even longer. However, the terms of the guarantee may be limited or even, in justified cases, the Seller's liability excluded in advance. When can the guarantee be limited / revoked?

There are exclusions of liability for damage, defects or malfunctions of the safe as a result of certain situations. The most common situations are incorrect handling of the safe, lack of maintenance, damage to the safe during transport from the shop to the final destination.

Second-hand safes are also available on the market. You should think carefully about such a purchase, despite the often attractive price. Manufacturers usually provide a warranty only to the original purchaser. Buying a second-hand safe means losing the warranty, which, if the safe fails, can result in significant servicing costs.

Renting a safe

Buying a safe is not the only solution for people who want to secure valuables. An alternative is to conclude a contract for the rental of a safe, deposit box or cassette. Many such offers can be found on the market, but some of them are addressed only to entrepreneurs. Private bank deposits are gaining in importance and attractiveness as we lose confidence in the banking system in times of crisis. If you want to find out more, check out: https://centrumdepozytowe.pl.

When deciding on a lease, it is important to analyse the regulations of the service – they indicate, among other things, items which may not be stored. You should also pay attention to the provisions regarding keys. Sometimes two are issued, and the service provider does not have a duplicate. This means that you have to reckon with contractual penalties for the possible loss of a key.

The rental of safe deposit boxes is also offered by banks, but then access to the stored goods remains limited. It is important to remember that access to the deposit box is limited only to the days and hours on which the institution conducts customer service.

Read also:   Bank deposit or home safe – which to choose?

10 biggest myths about safes

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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