5 reasons not to buy a safe at random

5 reasons not to buy a safe at random
Security in business
21 September 2021

A safe needs to be tailored to your needs in order to do its job properly. Whether you intend to place it in your home or business. An ill-considered purchase will be a source of frustration and unnecessary expense. A product that was intended to provide protection from damage and third parties will be seen as an insignificant piece of equipment.

1. Quality

You should only look for safes that have been tested by independent testing and certification bodies, such as VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH or ESSA. A product may tempt, for example, with its attractive appearance, but it is always worth checking whether it has a suitable badge inside. From it, a potential buyer will learn the features of a given model, such as burglary resistance or weight. In the case of fireproof safes, they will also find information related to fire protection.

2. Source

Sometimes the urge to buy at a bargain price clouds rational thinking. Unfortunately, an extremely cheap safe can quickly become the cause of much disappointment. This is especially true of second-hand purchases. Such equipment is already partly worn out and more prone to various failures, and this affects the quality of security. This should especially be borne in mind by gun owners. Under current law they are solely responsible for the lawful storage of weapons. Moreover, there is no shortage of manufacturers who grant a guarantee, but only to the original purchaser.

3. Characteristics

A safe should be chosen to suit the needs of the individual customer. If you want to buy the same model as your friend has in his home or business, you will probably not make the optimal decision. For example, a private person may be most interested in securing electronic memory media, including memory cards, external disks or DVDs. You do not need a data safe at all. You want to protect e.g. your watch collection against damage or unwanted actions of third parties.

4. Dimensions

There are various sizes of safes available on the market. Choosing a safe "by eye" significantly increases the likelihood of it not fitting into the room, especially if it is already furnished. You can easily check the external and internal dimensions in catalogues and at dealers. The latter are also of great importance. They allow you to answer the question as to whether the safe can accommodate individual items and valuables.

We recommend to read:   What should I pay attention to in order to ensure that the safe matches the interior?

5. Lock

The type of lock on a safe is only seemingly a secondary concern. Some customers become aware of this after the purchase has been made. In this case, an ill-considered decision affects the comfort of use. Choosing the cheapest solution means locking with a key, which is relatively easy to forge. It is therefore necessary to find a safe place to store it.

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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