Cabinets for flammable materials. What does the market offer?

Cabinets for flammable materials. What does the market offer?
Security in business
21 September 2021

Solvents, fuels, cleaning agents or paints - these are just some of the substances that increase the risk of fire. Despite the danger they pose, they are also an important raw material or product for many companies and institutions. With their activities and safety in mind, cabinets for flammable materials are developed. Those interested can adapt the models to their needs.

Reducing the fire risk to a minimum – this is the assumption of many companies storing hazardous and flammable materials. They take a practical approach, taking care, among other things, of the safety and comfort of personnel. At the same time, they are aware of the need to comply with current legislation. The storage of hazardous substances is regulated by the European Standard EN 14470-1.

Meeting the requirements of the aforementioned standard should not be a problem, especially as manufacturers offer a wide range of cabinets tailored to the needs of different customers. These include not only universities, laboratories or pharmaceutical companies. This issue also applies to manufacturing companies and workshops.

There are many models available on the market – for storing flammable substances: lithium batteries, energy cells gas cylinders, chemicals, canisters and even explosives. These types of substances are stored both indoors and outdoors, which is reflected in the products available.

Fire resistance class

Storing flammable materials, such as fuels, cleaning agents or paints, increases the risk of fire. Also, storing gas cylinders or fuel for heaters in bulk poses a risk to staff or firefighters carrying out firefighting operations. However, cabinet manufacturers take care to minimise these risks while ensuring that the contents are protected in the event of a fire.

It must be remembered, however, that the protection against fire, smoke and extinguishing fluid is determined by the fire resistance time according to the indicated standard, which is established on the basis of a test taking place in a fire chamber. For example – in the case of Hartmann Tresore products, such tests take place in the MPA Research Laboratory in Dresden.

Hartmann Tresore cabinet for hazardous substances
a cabinet for hazardous materials HTG 086-01 from HARTMANN TRESORE company

There are models with different fire resistance classes: 15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes. Markings indicating this can be found on the cabinets, sometimes with warning stickers on a bright background. The fire resistance time indicated in this way may turn out to be crucial when the health or life of the occupants is at risk. Knowing the fire resistance class makes it easier to manage a crisis situation. This knowledge can also be translated into the efficient organisation of rescue and firefighting actions. The information about fire resistance time placed on the cabinet is useful not only during the evacuation itself – for example for fire brigades.

Fire safety is particularly important in the current situation, when we are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, and many companies and institutions store large amounts of flammable disinfectant liquids, which in the event of a fire could pose a significant risk.

Even safer

Cabinets for flammable materials are also designed to limit the release of harmful vapours into the environment. In addition, they should be constructed in such a way that they stop any possible leakage inside the cupboard. It is therefore not without reason that bath shelves are fitted, usually one to three. They sometimes have a capacity of 20-30 litres, with the largest being at the very bottom as standard. Steel sheet is used to make them. If there is an uneven surface in the storage area, adjustable feet will enable levelling.

Cabinets for flammable materials must be of durable construction. Among other things, they are distinguished by robust walls. They have air inlets and outlets for better ventilation and protection. The market offers models of varying dimensions. Potential buyers will find both models with a capacity of up to 200 litres, but also over 800 litres. There are also models with single and double doors. Manufacturers offer cabinets that are easy to close. On the market there are, among others, models with handles with special padlock holders. This solution is supposed to provide additional protection against third parties, e.g. outside buildings. The construction of the cabinet itself is also important, e.g. the products offered by Hartmann Tresore are not made of metal, so they are non-sparking. In addition, they are made of non-flammable composite material and are also equipped with self-closing mechanisms in case of fire. Cabinets for flammable materials are one example of expenses that increase not only the sense of safety, but also the comfort of work. However, it is not worth investing in solutions of dubious quality. In the event of a fire, every minute is worth a human life. And the consequences of choosing the wrong solution may be tragic. Therefore, in order to protect the most valuable asset of any enterprise or plant, which is the health and life of employees, it is necessary to invest in the most effective and safest solutions.

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