Social Security subsidy for the purchase of cabinets for hazardous and flammable materials

Social Security subsidy for the purchase of cabinets for hazardous and flammable materials
Security in business Security and technology
19 December 2022

Do you run a business that uses chemicals, a laundry, an auto repair shop or even a restaurant? Do you have a manufacturing facility? Or do you trade in drones and store lithium batteries? If so, you might be interested to know that the Social Insurance Institution is holding a regular call for applications for a health and safety improvement grant. With the help of such a grant, you can finance the purchase of the increasingly popular fireproof cabinets, which are used for the safe storage of flammable substances and batteries.

Chemical and hazardous material cabinets

On a day-to-day basis, we do not realise how many hazardous materials are in our environment. These include chemicals such as varnishes, lubricants, oils, paints or solvents. The dangers of storing them are twofold:

Firstly, these are generally volatile substances, capable of emanating imperceptibly from a leaking package. If you store several packs of paint in a cupboard, in a small enclosed space without circulation, at some point the concentration of the vapours also becomes flammable. All it takes is a spark to ignite and cause the whole cupboard to explode.

Secondly, there is a danger of ignition from outside. In the case of even a small fire nearby, all it takes is a moment for a chemical cabinet lacking fire resistance to become the cause of an intense fire.

Fireproof cabinets dedicated to storing flammable substances are made of non-combustible materials with low heat penetration. Certified with appropriate certificates, they allow chemical reagents, poisons and even pyrotechnic materials to be stored safely. The leak-proof body prevents the contents from leaking outwards and the built-in ventilation system ensures air circulation inside.

Fireproof cabinets for lithium batteries

Reports of exploding phones appear quite regularly on technology portals. Most modern mobile phones have lithium or lithium-ion batteries. Although physically small, such batteries, when exposed to adverse conditions or damaged, can literally explode, and the process of burning batteries is very difficult to control at home and risks serious injury. See what happens when an ordinary electric scooter catches fire while charging*. Meanwhile, imagine the scale of the danger when a dozen or more batteries of much larger capacity, such as those for forklift trucks, are accumulated in one place.

Fireproof cabinets for lithium batteries are ventilated, made of non-combustible materials. Their design protects the contents from excessive moisture and fire. However, if ignition does occur, the cabinet is grounded and sealed, the fire will not escape.

For both types of cabinets, we offer an additional electronic ventilation or filtering extension working with replaceable carbon filters. Thus equipped, the cabinet is an autonomous unit that does not need to be additionally connected to the building's ventilation system.

Read also:   Metal cabinet for documents and personal files

Storage of hazardous materials: chemical cabinets and safes

Take advantage of funding and improve the safety of your facility

The employer is responsible for the safety and health of his employees. In addition to the direct threat to your people, there is the risk of huge material damage; after all, fire is an element. This is why we recommend our products, all the more so if there is the possibility of obtaining favourable funding. Fill in the contact form or call us, we will answer all your questions.


Recommended products

HTII 200-01 VdS
Safes for valuables

HTII 200-01

Limit of protected value
50.000 €
D 109-06 VdS
Fireproof safes

D 109-06

Limit of protected value
20.000 €

What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
We will be happy to advise you!
Contact our specialists