What can you learn about safes from Grzegorz Miecugow's book 'Przypadek'?

What can you learn about safes from Grzegorz Miecugow's book 'Przypadek'?
Security in business
20 September 2021

In the age of pandemics, we encourage you to read and recommend reading Grzegorz Miecugow's novel "Przypadek" (A Case). The book is a mixture of literary fiction which refers to the Polish political situation of the previous two decades. The action is vivid, full of plot twists and turns, with a strong sensational plot. The main character, through a series of unusual circumstances, starts a dangerous game whose stakes include his future and his life.

Apart from the fact that The Case is an engrossing read, the novel can also be recommended for another reason – an important role in the adventures of the main character is played by the safe signed Hartmann Tresore. Can a safe be associated with literature? Absolutely. Safes appear in fiction, especially in thrillers and detective stories. The safe conceals a secret, and what is in the safe can change the fate of the protagonist - it can provide security or, on the contrary, bring danger.

The company safe

It is no different in Grzegorz Miecugów's novel. Without giving away the plot – the main character gained access to the safe of his boss. He needed a safe deposit box in his office to store documents and cash. Let us remember that in the past decades, during which the novel is set, we had a crisis in the banking sector. Even today, we cannot always use cashless payments. A discreet wall safe therefore fulfilled the need to store money, important documents and valuables and was intended to provide security for both the owner and the entire company.

A safe is not everything

However, an office safe in itself is not a guarantee of security. It has to be used correctly for that to happen. This case shows how security can be reduced through incorrect use of a safe. The code for the electronic lock, programmed by the company manager, was placed by him in the form of a written hint in an easily accessible place. Thus, at least several people were able to unnoticeably access the contents of the safe without the owner's knowledge.

In our everyday lives we use various security devices, not just safes. It is important that we use them correctly in order to minimise the risk of unauthorised access. All sorts of PINs, authorisation codes, access passwords, and such are also electronic lock codes or combination lock settings in safes, are good examples of this.

How does Grzegorz Miecugów's novel Przypadek (A Case) end? See for yourself, because it really is worth it. If, on the other hand, you want to secure your assets, valuables or documents, or seek advice from professionals in this field  please visit: www.hartmann-tresore.pl.

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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