What should a safe for the office have?

What should a safe for the office have?
Security in business
13 October 2021

Confidential information about the company, contractors, important documents or sensitive data and their carriers should be particularly protected in every company. Ideally, they should be stored in a robust safe, which can be successfully concealed even in a study at home. We advise what you should particularly pay attention to when choosing a cabinet safe.

The office is a place that often hides many potentially valuable items, cash, as well as confidential company data. Documents that are kept in offices can relate to important payments, the value of contracts, customers, agreements or deals made. If an entrepreneur wants such sensitive data to be fully protected, he should consider buying a safe. The choice of an appropriate model is determined by at least several factors, and one of the most important is the planned content. In this case, it is worth taking into account both the value and dimensions of the items to be placed in the safe. This will allow you to determine the class of the container, as well as its size and equipment.

Which safe to choose for the office?

The products that are often chosen for offices are furniture safes. This means that they are containers which are mounted and hidden in furniture, e.g. in a desk or a wardrobe. You can choose from a range of classes from S2 to I. The class of a safe should correspond to the value of its intended contents. It is also easy to choose from a wide range of accessories and locks. The size of the office safe is also important. If you plan to store only cash in it, it is better to bet on a small model, which will be the easiest to hide. However, the container can be large enough to accommodate e.g. binders with documents, data carriers and money. In the case of an office, it is worth paying attention not only to the fact that the safe provides effective burglary protection, but also that it is heat-resistant. In the event of a fire, the interior of the cabinet safe will then be protected against flames and flooding during fire extinguishing.

A safe for special tasks in the office

However, the choice of safes for offices is so large that you don't have to limit yourself to furniture models. There are containers intended only for storing documents, keys and data carriers, as well as free-standing, heavy safes for valuable items. When choosing the right model, it is important not to be guided only by the price, but also to take into account the fact that a solid safe not only provides effective protection against theft of precious items, but also increases the amount of property insurance available. It is also important that the container meets the stringent standards of independent European institutions – such as VdS – and has certificates that guarantee quality and effectiveness.

Check also:  5 safes for special tasks

Recommended products

K 104-03/2

K 104-03/2

HT III Burgundy
Cabinet safes

HT III Burgundy

Exquisite Safe "Chromium"
Exquisite safes

Exquisite Safe "Chromium"

Signature Safe HTE 110/3
Signature Safes

Signature Safe HTE 110/3

What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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