What should you do if theft occurs at your company?

What should you do if theft occurs at your company?
Security in business
21 September 2021

Thefts committed by employees in the company are a serious problem. Annually, the losses of employers resulting from this cause reach even PLN 1.7 billion[1]. How can you protect yourself against it? It is worth taking precautions, e.g. in the form of restrictive security procedures, monitoring or choosing an appropriate safe.

A way to catch a dishonest employee

An entrepreneur who hires employees hopes that they will conscientiously perform their duties and take care of the company's property and assets entrusted to them. The employer relies not only on trust, but also on legal provisions and regulations arising from the Labour Code. Unfortunately, reality shows that the people employed are not always diligent and, what is worse, it also happens that they are dishonest and even act to the detriment of the company. If theft occurs, the employer may hold the employee responsible. It is possible not only to dismiss the fraudster by discipline, but also to claim compensation for property losses resulting from the theft. Misappropriation may concern both cash and the goods sold. However, it is worth knowing that in the case of losses of up to PLN 250 we can talk about a misdemeanour, and above this amount – about a crime.

Theft prevention in the company

If there is a legitimate concern and risk of theft from your workforce, it is worth taking appropriate measures. The risk of fraud exists in almost every industry. The basis is to develop effective security procedures, which will also include access to keys, places of storing valuable materials or cash. However, this does not always bring measurable effects.

Opportunity makes the thief

Sometimes it is also necessary to invest in security measures which will put an end to fraudulent activities once and for all, e.g. monitoring. Constant observation of employees can effectively deter a potential thief. If you risk serious financial losses, it is worth equipping your company with an office safe. Depending on the industry and business you run, you should choose an appropriate model with the right equipment and specific burglary resistance.

A drop safe, key depository or maybe a safe room?

In places where cash is in circulation on a daily basis, a drop safe will prove useful. Such a container is an indispensable protection in restaurants, service establishments or petrol stations. These models do not need to be opened each time money is deposited in them, they come in many sizes, shapes and safety classes: S1, S2 and resistance levels: D-I, D-II, D-III. Many companies also need key depositories which facilitate storing, depositing, as well as issuing keys and enable full control over their circulation in the company.

On the other hand, in large enterprises, where it is necessary to protect costly materials which require storage, a separate safe room with an armoured door may be necessary. This type of protection can also be successfully connected to the alarm system, which eliminates the risk of theft.

The choice of the right type of security depends on the individual needs of the company. It is worth knowing, however, that it is an investment which pays off in the form of greater security in the company, as well as securing its assets.

Get to know:   drop safes at Hartmann Tresore

safe room at Hartmann Tresore

[1] http://serwisy.gazetaprawna.pl/praca-i-kariera/artykuly/700553,pracownik-zwedzi-wszystko-czy-da-sie-zabezpieczyc-przed-kradziezami-w-pracy.html

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