Why is it a good idea to have a cash drop safe in a pub and where to install it?

Why is it a good idea to have a cash drop safe in a pub and where to install it?
Security in business
22 September 2021

Catering facilities – pubs, restaurants – are places where employees handle large amounts of cash every day. However, it is not always possible to deposit the daily turnover in a bank on the same day. Leaving unsecured cash in a pub leaves it vulnerable to theft. How can you protect yourself? A safe deposit box can help. This solution is ideal for any place with daily cash circulation and allows you to store it safely.

What is a drop safe?

A drop safe (also called deposit safe) is a special type of safe that allows you to deposit cash or valuables without opening the safe's door. The deposit can only be removed from the safe by authorised persons, while any cashier can deposit cash in the safe.

Why is it worth having a drop safe in a pub or restaurant?

Every day in a catering establishment at least several people (waiters, bartenders) come into contact with cash received from customers. Daily turnover amounts to several to several thousand zlotys. Despite the fact that many customers pay with cards, at the end of the day there may still be a lot of money in the cash register. This is a real treat for thieves, because it is not difficult to intimidate a bartender who closes the premises.

Installing a drop safe, into which bartenders and waiters can drop their takeout without opening the entire safe, effectively protects cash from theft. Such a device also improves the sense of security of employees in a catering establishment. Bartenders and waiters can put money into the safe at any time during the day (e.g. after reaching a certain limit or every hour). In this way, the cash on hand is safe, and in the event of a robbery, thieves only have access to a small portion of the cash in the cash register.

A vault in a restaurant/pub is also a protection against dishonest employees. The need for deposits at a specific time prevents abuse.

Also worth to read:   In cash or in the bank – how to store money?

Where to install a drop safe in a pub/restaurant?

Definitely in a place that is invisible to outsiders: customers and service technicians visiting the pub. The safest place is the back room – and in a place where, apart from the bar staff, nobody looks into. Such a safe can be installed, for example, inside a wardrobe for employees or in a social room. We particularly recommend the installation of a drop box safe, where the "drop box" itself is located near the counter and the safe in an adjoining room or, for example, in the cellar. Thanks to this solution, employees will not have access to it, and outsiders will not even notice it. These types of safes are made to individual customer order, adjusting the offer to the conditions of the room and the owner's expectations.

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What should a safe for the office have?

What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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