Regulatory storage of weapons and dangerous substances

Regulatory storage of weapons and dangerous substances
Security and law Security at home Security in business
4 October 2021

Having firearms or any kind of hazardous substances in your home or business is a big responsibility. Therefore, for the sake of yourself, your loved ones and your surroundings, you should secure them properly. This article tells you how to do this.

Storage of firearms

The most important issues related to the storage of weapons are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs of 26. August 2014 on the storage, carrying and registration of weapons and ammunition [1]. According to this document, weapons, as well as ammunition, must be stored in a suitably adapted room, i.e. in a weapon store or in devices "meeting the requirements of at least class S1 according to the PN-EN 14450 standard". A weapon stored in this way must have its magazine detached and be unloaded.

The weapon magazine must be a separate room, preferably on the first floor, with brick walls of non-combustible construction. If it has windows, they must be fitted with steel mesh and steel bar grating or with bulletproof glass. Doors should at least be coated with steel sheet, have an anti-balance block, a lock and a bolt with a padlock, although the optimum solution is simply an armoured door. The room should be equipped with fire extinguishing agents. It is also necessary to install an alarm system in the room.

How and where to store firearms?

At home we rarely have the possibility to create a weapon store, so for hunters or sport shooters it remains a choice of the equipment mentioned in the regulation. What equipment are we specifically talking about? We are talking about both armoured cabinets and safes. In principle, all certified products will meet the required standard. In the offer of manufacturers such as Hartmann Tresore, you can find many solutions designed to store weapons. These include safes for handguns and long weapons, ammunition safes and, of particular interest, car safes. Installing a gun safe in a car will ensure that even in the event of a burglary, the weapon will not be stolen. Nor will it be used by anyone unauthorised. Remember that we should not leave weapons in the car or in the place of residence if we do not have these safeguards.

Read also:  Why do you always need to keep a gun in a safe?

Gun safes – 5 facts you need to know before you buy

Of course, shooting or hunting are passions that many want to show off. You can display the weapons you own without giving up a high level of security. All because the manufacturers of this type of protection offer exclusive gun safes with glazing made of armoured glass.

a HARTMANN TRESORE gun safe with armoured glass
Storage of dangerous substances

It is not only weapons that pose a real danger. There is also a risk of poisoning, burns, leaks or explosions, so there is no doubt that hazardous materials and substances can also do a lot of damage in the wrong hands. It is therefore extremely important that they are stored correctly and in accordance with the regulations. Unlike the storage of weapons, there are no uniform regulations for the storage of hazardous substances. For this reason, several legal acts have to be complied with, such as the Chemicals and Mixtures Act and the General Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

What do these regulations imply and what is most important for us? On the one hand, it is necessary to limit access by unauthorised persons, and on the other, to store hazardous materials in appropriate conditions – away from fire, moisture and other factors. Specially designed cabinets for hazardous substances, including safety cabinets, can help. They can store flammable, poisonous, corrosive, irritating and even explosive substances. Thanks to their well-thought-out design, they ensure proper ventilation, protect against leaks, help maintain the right temperature of the substance and, most importantly, prevent access by unauthorised persons. When choosing a cabinet for hazardous materials, it is worth tailoring it to your specific needs, which sellers of certified armoured cabinets and safes can help you with.

Looking for a cabinet that is tailored to your needs? Visit the Hartmann Tresore website and speak to our consultant or use the virtual search for cabinets and safes.

We recommend to read, too:    Storage of dangerous substances

Safety cabinet for chemical reagents – a must for every production facility


Recommended products

HTE 210-01/E HARTMANN Exclusive Line
Armoured glass gun cabinets

HTE 210-01/E HARTMANN Exclusive Line

WS 165-02/12
Handgun safes

WS 165-02/12

What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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