Security at home
How is a customized safe made?
Securities can come in different forms. For documents there are metal cabinets with higher fire resistance and fireproof safes, while cash or valuables are better kept in safes with higher burglar-proof classes. In our store you can find cash-boxes for a wide variety of purposes, which provide a high level of protection and have competitive prices, and the products available through the online shop are divided into convenient categories. But what if the customer needs a more personalized product? Nothing simpler, as long as we have the time necessary to produce a safe that meets all expectations, if we just don't have one on hand. How a customized safe is made – you can find out by reading this article.
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Which firearms storage safe to buy?
Storing firearms is no joke. There are at least a number of reasons for ensuring that guns and ammunition are properly secured, whether for sport shooters, hunters or collectors. Meanwhile, two factors have emerged in recent years that have made safe storage of firearms a very popular topic. Firstly, the regulations on this problem, which remembered the previous era, changed a few years ago, and secondly, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in owning firearms among Poles. To put it simply – we are arming ourselves. Therefore, the more about gun safes, the better.
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Security at home
The home safe as an everyday appliance
We are long past the time when a home safe was a piece of equipment reserved for the most wealthy people and its contents were kilos of gold bars, diamonds in the size of an apple or another Holy Grail. Nowadays we use home safes most often to store documents, a bit of cash, jewellery and, above all, items of sentimental value. Today we will take a brief look at home safes in everyday use.
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How much does a safe for home cost?
The question about the price of a safe is one of the first to be asked by new customers. It is fair to assume that we receive a phone call at least a couple of times a day in which the question "how much does a home safe cost?" is asked directly and, I admit with a certain helplessness, it is sometimes difficult for us to answer such a question with anything other than "it depends". This, of course, angers customers, but the truth is that a regular price thrown around just like that won't tell anyone anything. Why is that? Let us try to answer this question.
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Security at home
How to choose the perfect safe?
While it is seemingly not so simple to choose wrong when selecting a home safe, there are many levels on which it is easy to make a mistake. There are plenty of home safes to choose from, they vary in terms of both the class of safe, size, level of fire safety and so on, hence today we will suggest not as much how to choose a good home safe, but how to choose the perfect safe just for you. A safe is a device that will accompany you for many years, and to which you will entrust your most precious belongings, items of particular, but not always financial value, documents. It can also be used to store weapons. In a word, the home safe is a personal piece of equipment that must be individually adapted to your needs.
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Security at home
5 mistakes when buying a safe
Recently, there was a post that was somewhat of an anti-advice, where I described, a little half-seriously and a little seriously, situations in which the purchase of a home safe or an office safe causes more trouble than benefits. Today, we are going to try to focus a little more briefly on the most common and at the same time most troublesome mistakes that can be made when choosing and buying a safe for a home or an office. I forewarn you, the main bad of this text is the civilisation boon of the online shop, although, and I point this out emphatically, if you already want to buy online, it's best with us. We have very competitive prices 😊. Now to the substance.
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Security at home
Anti-advice – how to badly buy a safe that won't protect against anything?
On a site such as this you will find countless guides advising you to buy a home or business safe, discussing safes designed to store cash, jewellery, watches or other valuables, outlining the products on offer, there is even something about an online shop. Today we will take a different approach and focus on how buying a safe can turn against you, failing to solve key problems, instead causing new ones. I'll be citing real-life examples without mercy, so it'll be fun. I invite you to read on.
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Everything you need to know about safes and some interesting facts about them
We want to protect the things that are precious to us at all costs. This is not a new situation, as for hundreds of years people have been trying to secure what is valuable and precious in various ways. In the past, these safeguards did not look like today's safes, but they were robust enough to significantly protect valuables from theft and thus loss.
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Security at home
The home safe versus the holidays – how do you secure your home before you leave?
With May under our belts, we are moving full steam ahead to travel agencies to look for a holiday destination. Our thoughts are already in the tropics, although instead of Egypt or Turkey, which have recently become less friendly, more and more popular European destinations (Greece, Italy or the beaches of Bulgaria) tempt with their prices and attractions. Personally, I dream of a trip to Spain, following in the footsteps of its centuries-long but greatly underestimated history, magnificent views, monuments, colourful drinks and the Canary Islands.... Well, but to the point.
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