Building a house? Think about a safe!

Building a house? Think about a safe!
Security at home
17 September 2021

A house is associated with a safe haven and most often we would like it to be an impregnable fortress for intruders. For this to happen, you should think about security already at the design stage. This is when it is possible, for example, to plan a special recess for a floor or wall safe or for a safe room which will be connected to the alarm system.

Year after year, new single-family housing estates are springing up on the outskirts of cities. Building your own property with a garden is a major investment, which often lasts for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully and also considering security issues. If you plan or expect to store cash, valuables, works of art or weapons on your property in the future, you will need to purchase a safe. You can opt for a free-standing or furniture model at any time. You can also successfully install burglar-proof and easily concealed floor safes, wall safes or even build a special safe room in which your possessions are protected like in a vault. For the last three safeguards, however, a lot of building work is required.

Include the safe in the house construction estimate

It is best to include the creation of a special niche for a safe or safe room in the house estimate right from the start. This is because the floor and wall models require embedding and surrounding with a 100 mm thick concrete coating. This means that the safe is anchored permanently in the floor and cannot be removed. Such security is extremely effective. In addition, it is possible to plan the location of the safe in such a way that it can be concealed as well as possible. It will then become completely invisible to outsiders and impossible for them to find.

Plan a vault room

An even greater investment is required for the construction of a special safe room. Its interior is separated from the rest of the property by a vault door and its special design makes it unbreakable. Therefore, it can serve both as a storage for very expensive and valuable objects, as well as a place of refuge, e.g. in case of a robbery. If we also consider the latter option, the location of such a room, e.g. next to a bedroom, should be very well thought out and care should be taken to ensure its proper ventilation. If a safe room is included in the project, it will be cast in reinforced concrete and fitted with armoured doors during the construction stage.

It is not only the design that affects the durability and effectiveness of this type of security. The door is equipped with a PIN lock and closes within a certain time after opening. In addition, both the safe room and the built-in container can be connected to the alarm system and equipped with a silent alarm function. This type of alarm notifies the services of an attack when the door is opened using a special code. However, they will not activate the siren at that time so as not to scare off the perpetrators. It is worth considering whether you need such security measures in the future. Although it is an additional cost that makes the investment in the construction of the house greater, it will pay off in the form of peace of mind, as well as effective protection of property and the possibility of insuring it for larger sums.

Read our other articles, too:   When is it time to buy a home safe?

Home or flat safes – what to buy so you don't regret it

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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