Burglary and document theft – what might the consequences be?

Burglary and document theft – what might the consequences be?
Security at home
20 September 2021

When we fear a burglary into our home, we usually think about the loss of cash and valuable items, such as jewellery. In practice thieves take not only property that can be monetized, but also documents, which can be much more severe. It is enough for a criminal to use a stolen identity card to take out a loan, and financial losses can reach up to several tens of thousands of zlotys.

Only in the first three months of 2017, there were attempts to defraud nearly one million zlotys every day. On average, one false transaction amounted to more than PLN 30,000. Criminals used for this purpose, among others, stolen documents and impersonated someone else's identity[1]. Such activities, although they sound like a movie script, are a real threat. ID cards, passports, driving licenses and payment cards can be stolen, for example during a burglary. Thieves have no trouble finding such documents in purses, wallets and drawers. Along with valuables, these are very attractive loot for thieves who can use them for a variety of crimes.

Installments to be repaid after a thief

Stolen documents make it possible for a thief to impersonate a victim in order, for example, to take out a loan in the victim's name. In order to do so, it is enough to scan someone's identity card, use it to open an account in an online bank and later apply for e.g. instant loans, or even conclude a loan agreement for the amount of several thousand zlotys. Some lending companies do not require proof of income and grant credits almost immediately. The person who has fallen victim to the burglary is later charged with the repayment of this obligation. In the same way the criminal can also shop at the expense of the person robbed. It is enough if the shop allows the purchase of, for example, expensive equipment on hire purchase. But this is not the end of the story. Criminals also use someone else's documents to set up fictitious companies that they use for criminal activity and fraud.

Check the safes for valuables at HARTMANN TRESORE!

Wallet theft is not just about losing cash

Payment card theft can also be a major financial loss. Some thieves act in such a way as to leave the home tidy after the burglary, suggesting that few things have been lost. By the time the victim realises that the payment card has disappeared from his wallet and locks it, the thief may have used it to make numerous non-cash transactions. A passport, on the other hand, may turn out to be a valuable commodity on the black market. It is worth protecting yourself against this by storing documents in safes designed for this purpose. Ideally, this should be a certified model with a high burglary resistance class, which will be placed in a discreet place, invisible to guests. For storing documents, furniture safes are often chosen, mounted e.g. in a wardrobe or a desk, which can be successfully arranged in an existing interior. Such a safe can be used to protect not only documents but also other valuables, such as cash.

Safes for money and jewellery at Hartmann Tresore

Read also:   Fireproof safe – which one to choose?

Important documents – where is the safest place to store them?

Źródło: [1] http://dokumentyzastrzezone.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=551:w-i-kwartale-2017-r-codziennie-probowano-wyludzic-niemal-milion-zlotych&catid=12&Itemid=105

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