Financial ecology, or how to live more frugally?

Financial ecology, or how to live more frugally?
Security at home
21 October 2021

In today's world there is more and more talk about ecological solutions, minimalism and being frugal. This is supposed to be a counterbalance to the consumer lifestyle. Is it worth following these trends?

Saving every day

However, well-considered investments are not everything. It is just as important to manage food wisely, so as not to waste food. So planning shopping and meals is a good way to save money, which should become a habit, just like sorting waste. Real savings, and at the same time benefits for the environment, will also come from switching off equipment from the so-called standby mode. Unplugging chargers, TV sets, laptops, games consoles, monitors and other electronic equipment which is not being used at the moment, can save up to several hundred zlotys a year. Add to this repairing leaking taps, turning off unnecessarily lit lights, turning down radiators or turning off the tap when brushing teeth, and you've got another zloty in your wallet. Proper preparation of the house before leaving will also ensure savings and at the same time safety. Switching off electrical appliances, turning off gas and water valves and turning down radiators is an absolute minimum, guaranteeing savings and protection against unforeseen breakdowns.

Long-term savings in an eco style

There is no doubt that living in the spirit of ecology brings benefits, both for the environment and for ourselves. For example, a house equipped with photovoltaic panels generates less pollution to the atmosphere and the owner saves on electricity, heating or water heating. Going a step further, you can bet on environmentally friendly transport, such as electric cars. Reduced emissions and at the same time almost free transport – especially if the carport or garage is also equipped with photovoltaics – are measurable benefits. It is similar with the purchase of energy-efficient household appliances and audiovisual equipment – although it is more expensive, the investment pays for itself quickly in the form of lower electricity bills. As you can see, while living ecologically and economically, you do not have to resign from the comfort of living. So in order to be eco-friendly, we do not have to abandon the achievements of civilisation for living in a hut without electricity and water.

Minimalism in our lives

Pro-ecological behaviour is something everyone can do, regardless of their financial status, education, place of residence, etc. It is primarily about changing the way we think. If we focus on not wasting resources and using things more than once, we will have a better life. There are many arguments in favour of an ecological lifestyle and not a single one against it. Both from the perspective of the environment and of ourselves. It's about taking care of your finances, your health, your safety and ultimately your quality of life. A tidier environment and fewer things means a more comfortable and less complicated life. What is really important, such as valuables, documents and souvenirs, should be kept in a home safe. Thanks to this, we will have a guarantee that extremely valuable items, whose material value is high, will have the highest protection against falling into the wrong hands.

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