Is it worth protecting belongings against fire in a fireproof safe?

Is it worth protecting belongings against fire in a fireproof safe?

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Security at home Security in business
11 September 2023

When thinking about a safe, our first concern is to store such items as valuables or cash in a burglar-proof location. Rightly so, burglary protection is a fundamental feature of any safe. However, if you want to ensure the security of your safe's contents not only against attempts to open it, but also against the effects of fire, it is worth looking into dedicated products. Sometimes we do not realise what a loss it would be if the items around us were destroyed.

What are fireproof safes used for?

While safes are generally used to protect valuables from strictly criminal events, fireproof safes will protect you from a random event – a fire, which is much more likely to occur. It is worth noting that fireproof safes remain just as resistant to burglary as classic safes, if not more so, and the fire resistance provides additional protection in the event of a fire, without affecting their resistance class. Fireproof safes have a wide range of applications both in business and for the protection of private property.

How is a fireproof safe constructed?

In their construction, fireproof safes are very similar to classic burglary safes having a multi-walled structure. However, over several steel plates, the number of which affects the burglary resistance class, they have three features that make them remain secure in case of fire:

Thermal insulation layer

I mentioned earlier the multi-walled construction of the safe's body and door. In a classic safe, this is a laminate consisting of several steel plates supplemented with special concrete. In fireproof safes, there is additional protection in the form of a layer. The models with the highest fire resistance have salt solution plates, as salt is an excellent option when it comes to thermal insulation.

Fireproof strip

Fireproof safes, like all safes, are not airtight. Therefore, in order to protect the interior from the effects of fire, fireproof safes have a fireproof strip around the door, which swells when exposed to high temperatures and permanently fills the gaps in the structure.

Fireproof safe in a company

The increased protection against fire will be appreciated by every entrepreneur. Data protection regulations oblige companies to store important documents securely, which ordinary metal cabinets will not provide. However, effective protection against fire, from 30 minutes to as much as two hours, will be provided by a fireproof safe. There are models available in various sizes, with locks to accommodate documents from many years of business. A separate category are fireproof safes for storing electronic storage media. These safes are even more resistant: after all, a lower internal temperature is needed to protect the media in the event of a fire, and we offer useful features such as drawers with compartments for tapes, disks, etc..

Fireproof safe in a house

A home safe is a device to which, in addition to storing documents, you will entrust your most personal items, jewellery, family heirlooms. Home safes by their very nature tend to be smaller, but this does not necessarily mean that they are weaker. You'll find a wide range of devices, the smallest of which weigh over 100 kg. These are products that provide universal protection against fire and burglary, come in a variety of colours and are equipped with an electronic lock for more convenient operation. You can also use a fireproof safe to store firearms. An anti-burglary certificate issued by the Institute of Precision Mechanics or another EU-accredited institute allows this.

What to look out for?

Fireproof safes are a broad term and if you have not contacted this industry before, there are a few things you need to pay attention to:

• firstly – cassettes are not fireproof safes. There are quite a few offerings on the market that include products with so-called 'enhanced fire resistance'. The safety of the safe's contents must be confirmed by a certificate issued by a testing body, a manufacturer's declaration is not enough.

• secondly – you often ask about the water resistance class. There is no such thing, a fireproof safe is not watertight; instead, it is protected against fire by a strip which seals it permanently under the influence of temperature. Fire extinguishing liquids will not damage the items stored in it.

• thirdly – choose the installation location well. A fireproof safe can only be anchored to the floor. So choose a place where this can be done. This could be a wardrobe, the bottom of a cabinet or a compartment under the stairs. 

Is it worth buying a fireproof safe?

Fire resistant safes are a group of products that we are very happy to recommend. For most of our customers, they find a wide range of uses, both at work and at home. The range is wide and the most popular models are available from stock, whether made with a key lock or an electronic lock as standard. A fireproof safe is the perfect solution for storing documents, valuables or jewellery. There are quite a few products in this category, you'll find plenty of fireproof safes in our range and shop, and our advisors will help you choose the one with optimum security for your items.

Read also:   Fireproof cabinets and safes in the workplace

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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