Incorrect use of a safe. How to avoid costly mistakes?

Incorrect use of a safe. How to avoid costly mistakes?
Security at home
15 September 2021

Operating a safe is not a complicated matter. Manufacturers provide instructions with answers to many questions. However, sometimes we make mistakes that can result in unforeseen expenses and even in the loss of valuables. What mistakes should be avoided?

Making a mistake when entering the code is almost automatically associated with not knowing how to use the safe. Entering an incorrect sequence of digits does not have to be a costly mistake. Although the safe door remains locked, you can try to open it again after a while. You can recall, find or correct the cipher. In most electronic locks, after the third unsuccessful attempt in a row, the lock goes into a so-called delay mode. In this situation, lasting up to several minutes, it is not possible to enter the code. This will be confirmed by a beep that sounds when any button is pressed. Sometimes, the lock display informs about a pending lock – in this case flashing or constantly lit diodes are activated. The consequences of entering an incorrect code are not serious provided that you remember the code. Mistakes made during other activities prove to be much more costly.

Changing the code

"I will change the factory code to one that is easier to remember. In this way I will reduce the problem of possible mistakes when entering the code". – Such thoughts accompany many a safe user. However, it is necessary to be very precise and to follow strictly the instructions for use of the lock. Why? If you carry out this procedure in haste, carelessly or, even worse, with the safe door closed, you could end up locking it with an unknown code. Then it is necessary to open the safe mechanically in an emergency and to replace the lock, which means considerable costs. Therefore, remember – safes do not like haste.

Read also:  Changing the code in a safe - 5 facts you need to know

How to change the code in a safe? Overview of the most common locks

The key to protection

Some customers are not interested in safes that need to be opened with an electronic code or a cipher. For such people, a key lock is the best choice. This is a solid and at the same time the cheapest form of securing a safe.

The mere use of such locks is not a problem. However, unwise user behaviour can have serious consequences. This is undoubtedly the case if the key is kept in an inadequately secured place. This increases the risk of the key falling into the wrong hands and resulting in the loss of all or part of the items stored in the safe. Even if the contents of the safe remain intact, be prepared to pay for the manufacturer to issue a new key. If the key has been stolen, it is essential to replace the lock along with the remaining key.

See also:   Travel safety: the hotel room safe – can you trust it?

Apparent bargains

Cheap is expensive - this principle is also known in the safe market. Customers who want to save money and decide to buy a safe second-hand or from another dubious source are convinced of this. A low price is appealing, but it means that the equipment is partly worn out and more susceptible to various faults. It is therefore worth remembering that the removal of a possible failure, ongoing maintenance or replacement of defective elements under warranty will not be possible then. Why? Because only the first purchaser is entitled to it.

When deciding to buy a resale safe, you should also take into account the motivations of the seller. It is possible that someone wants to get rid of equipment which was previously damaged, e.g. by fire, burglary or water. Such accidents significantly weaken the construction of the safe, and traces of them are often difficult to spot if you are not a specialist. This does not necessarily mean that there are security problems straight away, but these can only appear over time.

You can read about buying a safe in a supermarket, too.

A safe should be a barrier difficult to break through for a thief or an outsider. Therefore, manufacturers implement further modern solutions to ensure the highest possible level of security. However, it is worth remembering that even the most innovative ideas will not provide adequate protection if the user does not use them skilfully.

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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