Intelligent possessions security systems

Intelligent possessions security systems
Security at home
16 September 2021

Weekend trips, extended family visits, evening outings or even lonely evenings at home – these are just a few occasions that a thief may take advantage of and break into a house. In practice, burglars usually use simple tools and get into the building through windows. However, there is also a group of professionals who plan their heist very carefully. Such criminals observe both the property and its owners. They know how to break through security and successfully steal items and cash of considerable value. To protect yourself from these criminals, it is worth investing in an intelligent property security system and a good safe.

Intelligent alarm system

The growing awareness of threats and development of new technologies make alarm systems constantly modernized and improved. Today you can successfully choose from among intelligent property security systems, which not only protect your property against burglary, but also detect e.g. leaking gas or smoke. The alarm system can also be a part of a building automation system, which makes it easier to manage and "control" the house. It is worth knowing that these are "tailor-made" solutions, according to which the appropriate security measures are selected. Alarm systems are divided into classes I to IV. The most advanced have class IV, but for single-family houses class II is most often chosen.

Wired and wireless

There are two types of intelligent alarm systems due to the type of connections between the control panel and sensors and sirens. Wired system offers the most possibilities for advanced connections. However, it requires forging in walls and hiding cables in them, so it is used mainly in buildings under construction or renovation. In ready houses, where we do not want to carry out renovations, it is possible to install a wireless system.


There are various types of sensors available on the market that allow you to detect the presence of a burglar with great accuracy. Before installing them, the property is divided into three zones: external, barrier and internal. In practice, in the case of the surroundings of the house – i.e. the garden – sensors are most often used which, upon detecting movement, will not trigger false alarms, e.g. due to the presence of animals, and will be limited to activating lights. However, along the fence or around the house, it is possible to create an infrared perimeter barrier that, when broken, will trigger an alarm. Contact and break sensors are also placed at windows, doors and gates to detect the breaking of glass or the opening of windows. It is even possible to use detectors that will detect the presence of sleeping gas. This type of protection serves to deter thieves before they can enter the property and commit a theft. For interior protection, on the other hand, there are sensors that detect movement when the alarm is activated.

Unlimited possibilities – the safe with an alarm

One of the greatest advantages of intelligent property security systems are the almost unlimited possibilities of settings. Depending on the solutions chosen, systems can be freely configured and expanded with new functionalities. The system can, for example: react to the presence of gas and automatically cut off its supply or detect smoke and call the fire brigade.

In addition, this type of alarm system can be extended with additional functionalities – even a home safe can be connected to a building alarm system. For this purpose, the safe must be equipped with a special installation comprising an alarm control unit and various types of sensors, including seismic sensors. When an attempt is made to open the safe after entering a specific code, the safe can automatically notify the services about the robbery without activating the sirens (so-called silent alarm). It is therefore a solution that comprehensively supports the safety of household members, especially in the event of a robbery and forced opening of the safe.

See also:    Why a safe in a smart home?

How does a safe lock with a fingerprint reader work?

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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