Is a home safe for everyone?

Is a home safe for everyone?

source: Mediteraneo/

Security at home
29 October 2021

Until recently, a safe was not a standard piece of equipment in every home. However, this is currently changing. More and more people are using professional security devices. Anyone who has valuable items or keeps savings at home should consider buying a safe, which will not only protect against burglary, but also protect against fire.

Many people only buy armoured protection after they have been robbed. In their case, the saying "wise man after the event" is true in one hundred percent.

A home safe is for everyone. It certainly happens to you that you want to keep a larger amount of cash at home for a few days, because you are going to buy a new car or you are waiting for the shipment of expensive equipment to be paid for. A safe will ensure that you no longer have to wonder where to keep your money. Don't delay and don't risk your safety or the safety of your loved ones. Buy a home safe today and be prepared for any situation.

What should I consider when choosing a home safe?

Before you buy a safe, think about what you want to use it for. Most people are happy with a small home safe. But pay attention to what you want to keep in it, because it's not just the right size that's important, but also the security class.

The higher the burglary resistance class, the more favourable the insurance conditions will be. Your insurer will certainly want you to store your valuables in a safe with the highest possible security rating.

A small home safe may not be enough in the long run. Consider the fact that over time your valuables and jewellery are likely to increase in number. This is why you should consider buying a larger one than you need at the moment.

An armoured cupboard can also be an effective protection against fire. If you are concerned about protecting your most valuable possessions, choose a home safe with additional fire protection.

You need a suitable place to put the safe. An armoured cupboard is not something that is worth displaying. Choose a secluded spot that is easy to access, yet away from doors and windows. If you have opted for a larger and heavier safe for your home, remember that you need to place it on a solid surface. Delicate terracotta or laminate flooring may not be able to support such weight. 

You have expensive items in your home that you want to display and showcase – choose an armoured display cabinet

A home safe doesn't have to be a crude metal cabinet. If you have valuable items that you want to protect and show to others at the same time, you should buy an armoured showcase. Such a cabinet is the ideal security device if you want to protect items such as:

● works of art,
● collectible weapons,
● a numismatic or philatelic collection,
● expensive family heirlooms,
● antique or modern jewellery.

The home safe in the form of a display case is equipped with a multi-layered hardened glass pane which is resistant to hammer blows or small arms fire. It can be fitted with the same locks as a traditional armoured safe. These will effectively protect the safe from being opened by unauthorised persons.

You can order a cabinet made of solid wood, which is additionally reinforced inside, or a traditional steel one with a varnish imitating a wooden surface. The interior can be freely configured and adapted to store and display both small items and larger exhibits.

Halogen interior lighting makes the stored jewellery or art collection look even better. The interior can be additionally lined with green or red cloth to further emphasise the value of the stored items.

Effective protection for your home safe against robbery

Hartmann Tresore home safes have a number of security features to prevent robbery. Thick walls, doors and robust hinges protect against attempts at mechanical opening. The heavy weight makes it difficult to take the safe with its contents. Armoured safes should also be anchored to the wall or to the floor.

A very important security feature is the lock. Its choice is not so obvious, because each mechanism has its advantages and disadvantages. You can choose from locks such as:

● keyed,
● mechanical,
● electronic,
● biometric,
● smartphone-controlled.

The choice of lock should be tailored to your preferences. If you don't like to carry keys around with you or if the safe is used by more people, choose an electronic lock. Remember that the classic mechanical dial is safe and reliable, but it requires precision when entering the code. If you don't want to bother remembering the codes, choose a modern biometric fingerprint lock.

Delivery and transport of the safe to your home

Delivery and transport of the safe to your home is a very important aspect, especially if you want to buy a large armoured cabinet – it can weigh up to several hundred kilos! We realise that you are concerned about discretion, which is why the armoured cabinets are delivered by vehicles which do not have the manufacturer's company logo affixed to them.

Neither neighbours nor friends should know that you have purchased additional protection for your valuables. Nowadays thieves use social media and watch their victims for a long time. The fewer people who know what you have in your home, the better. The saying that money likes peace and quiet also holds true when buying a safe for your home.

You don't have to worry about bringing in and installing the safe. The professional team is equipped with specialised hardware so that they can handle any job efficiently.

If you have ordered a non-standard safe for your home that requires additional installation work, you can also count on a professional approach. We can carry out an on-site inspection and check all the details relating to the width of the door, the hallway and the installation location. This is all to ensure that the whole operation goes quickly, smoothly and without any additional complications.

Choosing a safe for your home is, despite appearances, not such a simple matter. You need to consider many different aspects. Remember that one of the most important things is the security class. This will determine the conditions under which you insure your stored valuables.

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From purchase to first use of the safe. Avoid errors during transport and installation

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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