Not just cash – 7 things to keep in a safe

Not just cash – 7 things to keep in a safe
Security at home
17 September 2021

A safe is associated with a safe deposit box for cash. In reality, it is worth storing not only money but also other valuables, such as jewellery, as well as confidential documents and items that you want to protect from theft and, at the same time, always have at hand.

Safe as in a bank

Cash, but also valuable jewellery, watches, numismatic items or secret files are worth storing in a home safe. This is because the owner himself chooses a convenient location and is the only person who has access to the hiding place. The safe can be successfully hidden, for example, in a study, which provides great convenience in contrast to bank safes. This is because you do not need to visit a bank branch in order to make use of the stored contents, but simply open the safe which is located at home. We will successfully select the size, equipment and also the model of the safe, so that it can be an effective protection against theft as well as against high temperatures and weather conditions, such as humidity. Before choosing the best model, it is therefore worth considering carefully what the contents of the safe will be.

Read also:    Safe deposit box or home safe – which solution is worth using?

1. Important documents and passwords

A safe is a very good place to store important and confidential documents such as passports, deeds, wills and passwords. Placing them in a strong safe is a way to protect them from theft or loss. In addition, in the case of models resistant to high temperatures, the contents are also protected against fire and flooding.

2. Insurance policies

You should also keep your insurance policies in one safe place. Sometimes you need the information contained in these documents immediately, especially when you need to report a claim or check insurance conditions quickly.

3. Vehicle keys and vehicle registration documents

You should also keep your spare car keys in your safe. This also applies to seasonally used vehicles and their registration certificates, such as boats, jet skis and motorbikes. Even if a thief breaks into your garage and targets one of your vehicles, he won't be able to get neither the documents nor the keys to it.

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4. Keepsakes and photo backups

It's a good idea to regularly copy digital photos onto storage media that can be successfully stored in a fireproof safe. This way you can be sure that family photos will not be lost or damaged, even if there is a fire in the house.

5. Keys

Certainly, the safe is also a place where keys that are not in daily use should be kept. This applies, for example, to keys to holiday properties and, above all, to keys to a bank safe-deposit box.

6. Valuables and jewellery

You should also place all valuables in the safe that can be easily monetised by a thief. This could be jewellery, watches or other valuables such as bullion.
Check out our range of safes for valuables!

7. Valuable collectibles

Protection against theft and fire also applies to valuable collector's items, e.g. commemorative coins, numismats, stamps, ceramics, works of art or antiques.

As you can see, there is a long list of items that are worth storing in a safe. The content of a safe is an individual matter, so it should not be treated only as protection against theft of cash.

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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