Secure gun storage – or how to choose the right hunting gun safe

Secure gun storage – or how to choose the right hunting gun safe

source: Mongkol /

Security at home Security and law
29 January 2024

A gun is a tool that has been used for centuries by hunters and shooters for hunting, as well as for sporting shooting competition at shooting ranges. However, with this powerful and dangerous tool comes a great responsibility. Therefore, before you buy a firearm (once you have obtained a permit to own one), it is first mandatory to invest in a safe. Storing your hunting weapons safely is a priority. Hunting gun safes are a key part of this responsibility because: firstly, certified safes ensure the legality of its storage, and secondly, the safety of you, your loved ones and bystanders. By reading this text, you will learn more about hunting gun safes, their types, benefits and guidelines for their use.

Why are weapon safes so important?

The safe storage of hunting weapons is crucial from both a security and legal compliance point of view. There are many reasons why hunting gun safes are necessary and important. Here they are:

• Legal compliance: many countries have laws regulating the storage of firearms. In Poland, gun owners are legally obliged to have a safe or a gun cabinet. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to serious legal consequences, including loss of the right to own a weapon.

• Safety of family and guests: by storing hunting weapons in a safe, the owner minimises the risk of dangerous situations, above all the risk of weapons and ammunition falling into the wrong hands of household members (including children), which can lead to tragic accidents. Safe storage of weapons is therefore of paramount importance!

• Theft protection – hunting gun safes protect guns from falling into the hands of thieves. The safe provides a barrier to accessing the weapon as it is difficult to break through and can protect the weapon from theft and illegal use.

• "Killing several birds with one stone": since a safe is mandatory if you want to own weapons and ammunition, it is worth considering buying one in which you will deposit not only your weapons but also other valuables, and everyone has such things.

• Long-lasting durability: hunting gun safes are solidly built and made from durable materials. This makes it a product that will serve you for many years. They also protect your weapons from the damaging effects of the weather, which is key to maintaining their great quality for many years.

• Storage organisation: safes, thanks to the use of special holders inside, allow you to store your weapon in an orderly manner, and additional accessories (e.g. inner safe, shelves) provide space for ammunition, weapon instruments and other valuables. Everything can be stored in an orderly manner.

Storage of firearms – what does the law say?

As regards the specific rules and conditions for the storage, carrying and record-keeping of weapons and ammunition (including safeguards to prevent access to weapons and ammunition by third parties), these are set out in the Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs of August 26th 2014 on the storage, carrying and record-keeping of weapons and ammunition (Journal of Laws 2014, item 1224). Importantly – proper supervision of firearms should be ensured throughout the period of their possession. This applies both to the storage of firearms in a domestic environment and outside the residence of the person entitled to possess the weapon.

The conditions for safe storage of weapons are set out in § 5(1) of the aforementioned regulation, according to which: "persons in possession of weapons and their ammunition on the basis of the permit referred to in Article 10(4) of the Act on Weapons and Ammunition shall store weapons and ammunition in devices meeting the requirements of at least class S1 as defined by the EN 14450 standard".

What does S1 class mean?

The construction of safes in security class S1 is the simplest of all the available classes: they have a single-walled body made of 3 mm thick sheet metal and double-walled doors.

In summary, safes with security class S1 provide basic protection against burglary, although this is sufficient for depositing small arms, long weapons and ammunition in such safes. However, if you intend to store items of higher value in the safe – it is better to consider safes with higher burglary protection classes.

Safes and armoured cabinets for weapons – kinds

There are different types of safes for hunting weapons available from Hartmann Tresore. They differ in size, level of protection and functionality. Choosing the right safe depends on your individual needs and preferences. Here are some of the popular types of hunting gun safes:

handgun safes – these are usually mini or small models that hold one, a few or a dozen small weapons. Weapons in such safes can be stored comfortably on special foam holders. These safes may also contain a small vault or shelf for storing ammunition and documents relating to gun ownership

• long gun safes – larger sized cabinets with different dimensions. Such a cupboard may have only weapon holders or additionally a vault or vaults and shelves – for storing weapon-related accessories and other values in your possession. The higher the security class of such a cabinet – the more secure it is and the more values you can store in it.

• Ammunition cabinets – ammunition, like guns, should be well protected from unauthorised access. If you own a lot of it, it's worth considering purchasing a separate cabinet to store ammunition.

Armoured glass gun cabinets – these are premium products, designed to both protect your guns and ammunition, but also to display the weapons stored in them (thanks to the armoured glass and LED lighting inside).

• Exclusive safes for weapons and valuables – these are special hunting safes made of metal on the outside and built with veneered furniture on the inside with shelves, drawers, LED lighting, alcantara lining – we will design such a safe together with you, according to your preferences.


Hunting gun safes are a necessary and crucial element when it comes to the issue of gun ownership. They provide security, legal compliance and protection against theft. By choosing the right safe and following the guidelines for its use, you can be sure that you are storing your weapons safely and legally. This is important not only for your safety, but also for those around you.

Remember, following the law and using hunting weapons responsibly is the obligation of every gun owner. Hunting gun safes are a tool to help you meet these requirements, while keeping your guns safe from unauthorised access.

Check out more:   What class should a gun safe have? Regulations vs. reality

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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