The number of burglaries in Poland is increasing. How to protect yourself?

The number of burglaries in Poland is increasing. How to protect yourself?
Security at home
21 October 2021

Just a few years ago, the Police registered a burglary in our country on average every 15 minutes¹. Currently, this type of crime is less frequent, but according to data from the Police Headquarters, more than 94,000 such offences were reported in 2015². They most often occur when the householder is absent. Fortunately, you can protect yourself from them.

How does a thief think?

Criminals very rarely rob at random. Skilled thieves prepare themselves thoroughly and watch the property before they carry out their heist. They know the rhythm of the household members' lives and are quick to notice when they leave the house for a longer period of time, e.g. during weekends or holidays. This is when thefts most often occur. Mostly valuables, jewellery, left-over cash, electronic devices and documents are stolen. What is interesting, the theft usually lasts only a few minutes, during which you can lose a considerable part of your property.

How to protect yourself against theft?

In order to protect yourself, you have to pay attention to your behaviour and take care of proper protection. First of all, it is worth remembering about discretion and not revealing information about your planned trip to outsiders. The same rule also applies to your social media profiles, as thieves can also observe them.

Read also:   Is it possible to feel safe in Poland?

Basic security

It is also necessary to invest in appropriate security measures, such as burglar-proof doors and windows. In addition, you should think about monitoring and an alarm system as well as burglar-proof roller blinds. More and more people are also opting to install a home automation system that pretends to be home, turning lights on and off at set times.

Protect your valuables

A safe can be used to protect particularly valuable items. Think about it especially if you want to store valuable jewellery, works of art, collectibles, important documents, high-end electronics or weapons in your home or flat. The choice of a safe depends on the value and size of its planned contents. The larger it is, the higher class of protection against theft we should choose. For homes and flats, wall safes and floor safes of classes S2 and I are the safes of choice. They are installed in camouflaged places, which are best chosen at the stage of interior design. If the property is already furnished, a furniture safe is a good idea. Such a safe can be successfully concealed, for example, in a cupboard or a desk, making it invisible to guests.

a private burglarproof safe from Hartmann Tresore

If none of the above options is an option, it is worth considering installing a classy free-standing safe anchored in the ground. Its own weight multiplied by the force of its mounting to the ground will provide good security, even if the fact of having a safe is not a secret. A well-designed safe equipped with suitable lock systems ensures that valuable keepsakes or valuables will not fall into the hands of thieves even during a planned burglary.



Recommended products

HTIV KB 400-04
Safes for valuables

HTIV KB 400-04

HT Signature #170
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HT Signature #170

What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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