Theft during weddings

Theft during weddings
Security at home
17 September 2021

As reported by the police, thieves have specialised in a new type of crime, which is carried out during weddings and receptions. While the bride and groom are celebrating with their guests, gifts and cash are being stolen unnoticed. However, this risk can be avoided. The solution can be renting or buying a solid burglary safe.

Newlyweds robbed of gifts and cash

Although it may seem that a wedding and a reception are the most beautiful moments in one's life, even during such celebrations theft may happen and result in big property losses. Only in the area of Warsaw and the Otwock district in 2017, several crimes were recorded, which precisely concerned thefts during weddings. Young couples most often decided to store the gifts they received and envelopes with cash in the car, which was broken into by thieves who had carefully watched the event beforehand and followed the newlyweds' activities. As a result, not only money, but also household appliances and jewellery went missing[1]. Can you protect yourself from such an unpleasant event?

How to secure gifts and cash at a wedding?

According to the police, the gifted couple should store their money in a safe provided by the venue, in a locked room. However, beforehand it is worth paying attention to what kind of a safe the hotel has, and if such a safe is not available, whether it is possible to use a separate room to which no one but the bride and groom will have access. Otherwise, you can not be sure that during the event someone will not manage to open the door unnoticed and steal. Thieves are very skilful at this; they reconnoitre the area beforehand, observe the surroundings and quickly pick up weak points in security. For criminals, cash, valuables or new equipment are very attractive and easy to get. So it's best not to take any risks at all and to rely on proven and solid security in the form of your own safe. However, you do not have to buy one right away. Alternatively, you can hire a certified safe for the duration of the wedding party.

Check out, too:    Is it worth leasing a safe?

Is it better to rent or buy a safe?

Renting a safe is a good solution for people who are not yet decided on buying one. It is possible to rent any safe with suitably selected parameters, dimensions and safety class tailored to individual needs. However, it is worth remembering that this is a temporary solution. The wedding and the reception are a good time to build joint property and, consequently, bet on a solution that will be secure for years. A safe can be successfully adjusted to your own needs, as well as the possibilities of the premises. Burglar-proof and heat-resistant safes are available which can be installed in furniture, in a wall or in a floor. When considering the purchase of a safe, it's worth thinking about both your current and future needs, as this is an investment for many years and often even a lifetime.

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We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
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