Where to safely store money and valuables when going on holiday?

Where to safely store money and valuables when going on holiday?

source: amadeusz / stock.adobe.com

Security at home Security and technology
3 October 2022

Going on holiday should be associated with rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, when organising a holiday, some people stress about having to leave their home and all their belongings unattended. In addition, when leaving, everyone carries a considerable amount of cash in addition to their credit cards. It goes without saying that by carrying a large amount of money, you are putting yourself at risk of robbery. One solution is a safe in the hotel. There you can safely leave some of your money. Reading this article you will not only find out how the hotel safe is operated but also where to safely store your money.

Operating a hotel safe – you need to know this to avoid unpleasant surprises

A hotel safe is a standard feature in every room. With a safe deposit box, you don't have to worry about where to stash your money and other valuables. When you go out to the pool, restaurant, gym or spa area, all you need to do is leave all your important things in the safe.

A hotel safe is used to store, among other things:
● documents,
● car keys,
● money,
● credit cards,
● jewellery,
● phone and laptop.

In fact, you can store anything you want in the hotel safe deposit box. The staff prepare the safe before your arrival to make it as easy as possible for you to use. There is an instruction manual in the cupboard where the safe is set up.

How do you use the safe at the hotel? All you have to do is close the door, enter the cipher you have invented and confirm with a cross, enter or key. Opening is done by entering the programmed cipher. If you have a problem setting up the code, please contact reception. The staff will be sure to help.

Sometimes it happens that hotel guests forget the code they have set. You are probably wondering how to unlock your hotel safe. The best thing to do is to call the front desk and tell them you forgot the code. Don't worry, it's no shame. On holiday, everyone is a little distracted. Hotel staff have to help their guests open safes practically every day.

How do you secure your home when you go away?

If you are planning a trip and leaving valuables at home, you need to protect yourself in case of theft. You can buy the same locker as a hotel safe. However, pay attention to whether it has a security certificate. Only safes that meet certain burglary resistance standards are able to deter a thief.

To minimise the risk of theft, ask a friend or family member to visit your home once in a while to look after the plants, for example. It is important that these visits are at different times because thieves watch the house before robbing it. When they notice someone coming at the same time all the time, they will know what to expect.

It is worth setting up CCTV. A camera system is not expensive and can be an effective deterrent to a thief. Burglar-proof doors and windows will make it significantly more difficult to enter the house. An alarm is also a good idea, which will alert not only the police but also the neighbours in the event of a robbery attack.

Read more about this:   Going away? Don't forget to secure your home

What can you do to avoid falling victim to a thief?

A safe in a hotel is the safest place to store your valuables. There is still the question of where to store your valuables when you are on the move and do not have access to a safe deposit box.

Losing your cash, documents or credit card can effectively spoil even the best of holidays, so it's a good idea to guard against theft in advance. Don't forget the basic safety rules and try to stay alert even when enjoying the scenery and seeing the sights.

The holiday season is a harvest time for thieves. They count on the fact that tourists have stuffed their wallets and are busy resting and relaxing. Some people often make it easy for robbers by carrying valuables in their backpack, in an outside pocket. Undoing the backpack's zip and removing the wallet is a simple task even for a novice thief.

Ladies should be careful with their handbags. Sometimes, after paying in a shop, the purse is quickly tucked into the bag and the zipper is forgotten to close. An open bag is just an invitation to a thief.

When on the move, try not to leave valuables in the car. Many people leave handbags, backpacks, phones and laptops in plain sight. It is often the case that thieves do not open the car to steal. Mostly it's a case of spotted items.

If you want to leave something in the car, use the boot, as even an inexperienced thief can break the window and quickly move away from the scene of the theft.

Operating a hotel safe is not difficult, so use this device as often as possible. You will be assured that your belongings are safe. When you're away, don't forget about items left at home. Buy a safe now and rest assured that your belongings are properly protected.

Recommended products

D 109-06 VdS
Fireproof safes

D 109-06

Limit of protected value
20.000 €
HTII 200-01 VdS
Safes for valuables

HTII 200-01

Limit of protected value
50.000 €
HTIII 300-02 VdS
Safes for valuables

HTIII 300-02

Limit of protected value
100.000 €
HTIII 300-03 VdS
Safes for valuables

HTIII 300-03

Limit of protected value
100.000 €

What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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