Deceive the thief or why should you have more than one safe?

Deceive the thief or why should you have more than one safe?
Security at home
19 October 2021

Have you bought a safe and are convinced that it is enough to keep your valuables, important documents and money completely safe? They are certainly better off than being kept in the proverbial safe deposit box, but they will be even better protected if you get more than one safe.

It's hard to deny that thieves are clever. They usually have a carefully worked out plan and rarely do a "break-in" in the dark. They know you're on holiday abroad (in the age of social media, such information is even easier to come by than it used to be), they're clear about what time your neighbour is coming over to feed the cat, and they estimate what kind of valuables you might have in your home. They are prepared to defeat simple alarm systems and quickly search the most common places where we store valuables. Can they be outsmarted? Apart from hiding a safe in a very unusual place (we posted a few suggestions some time ago) and using a safe with a double compartment (the so-called ghost safe), you can outsmart the thief in one more way – by buying several home safes.

Is one safe in the house enough?

If the main purpose is to store personal documents (e.g. birth certificates, wills, etc.), then one safe is enough. However, if the purpose of having one is to secure valuables or cash, then it is definitely worth investing in more than one device following a proven investment principle – don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Such well-considered actions will allow you to diversify your funds and, in the event of a burglary, either protect the more valuable items or, if the thief does break into the safe, secure at least some of them.

Check the offer:  Hartmann Tresore burglar-proof safes

What is the point of having two or more safes?

Well, because it allows us to outsmart the thief. The first safe, the most typical medium-sized safe, is installed in a classic place (in the wardrobe or under the desk). These are the places that a thief will search first. Having found such a device, the thief will not only lose time opening it, thereby increasing the risk of being caught, but may also become convinced that he has found what he was looking for. Of course, such a safe, to be able to perform its function, cannot be empty – it must contain valuables, cash, documents. We keep in it the least valuable things or their well-made imitations. Most burglars, after finding the first safe, become convinced that they have just discovered a place to store important items for the householder, and give up further search of the house. And even if the thief, after observing the dwelling, expected a bigger loot, he may become convinced that the alleged valuables, e.g. were deposited in the bank for the time of the trip.

Having two safes protects our property better also in case of burglaries using the "sleeping bag" method. In this case the owners are at home and are usually put to sleep with gas. However, the time of its operation is limited and in such a situation for many thieves searching for a second safe and trying to open it means another minute which carries the risk of triggering an alarm signal or waking up the hosts. This, in turn, may lead to the burglar abandoning his intention to explore the house further. Thieves know they have to act fast – the more "professional" ones stick to their own time limits. For a thief – just like for us, although in a different sense, time is money, so each additional safe increases the advantage over the intruder.

Special safes – when is it worth having several of them?

Of course, there is another situation when we need to invest in special safes – e.g. a gun safe, a special safe for storing watches with a rotary mechanism – and we would also like to protect important inheritance documents against threatening factors, e.g. fire. In this situation, the only sensible solution is to purchase specialised safes dedicated to specific needs. Not only do they allow you to adjust the level of security to the content stored in them, but also to place the safes in the appropriate places – e.g. a gun safe in a study inaccessible to children, and a personal safe for valuables in a bedroom.

Gun safes at Hartmann Tresore

We recommend to read:  5 safes for special tasks

Which safe to choose in order to meet burglary protection standards?

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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