5 questions before building a safe and vault room

5 questions before building a safe and vault room

an exemplary HARTMANN TRESORE safe room

Security in business
21 September 2021

This is an interesting alternative to buying a traditional safe. A vault room can be built relatively quickly and easily. However, it is worthwhile to first analyse the various issues involved in the investment. Individual needs and possibilities should be taken into account.

1) Should I choose a safe or a safe/vault room?

This is an individual matter. The best way to start is to prepare a list of items that require special protection against theft or damage. Consider both your current possessions and those that may come in the future. The sizes of safes vary. On the market there are models with a capacity of a dozen or so, several dozen, but also over a thousand litres. However, when they turn out to be too small, then it is worth thinking about a vault room. Especially since you can choose its size and freely adjust it to the given space.

2) What is the purpose of a vault room?

The needs are varied. Sometimes customers decide on this solution in order to have a solid archive. One that is characterised by high burglary protection class. Others build such rooms with a view to safe and legally compliant storage of items of significant value, such as: a backroom for expensive raw materials (gold, platinum, leather, precious stones) or a warehouse for finished products (jewellery companies). It is not uncommon for vault rooms to be used to protect investment-generated works of art or valuables. Sometimes the place also functions as a so-called panic room, offering safe shelter inside, without the risk of being locked in alone.

3) Where can vault rooms be built?

Both in new buildings and in existing buildings. The room does not have to be on the lowest level of the property. The floor is irrelevant, but the static load-bearing capacity (kN/m²) must be met. Modular structures are made of relatively lightweight panels. They can be assembled quickly and easily by bolting or welding. Disassembly for relocation or room extension is not a problem for specialists. Some safes, on the other hand, should already be selected during the construction or furnishing phase of a property. In buildings that are in the planning stage, the safe room can be part of the construction being built. This is the best solution in terms of both security and efficient use of available space.

4) Which door to choose?

The security class of the door must be at least equal to that of the room. However, there is no shortage of customers who opt for a higher one. In addition, a choice can be made between left and right opening doors. It's also worth considering the type of lock. Here you can choose between a key lock, a mechanical code lock, an electronic lock and a biometric locking system with a fingerprint reader. There is also the option of combining two solutions. On individual request, a glass door or daylight grille can be added as a passage block.

5) Which additives to use?

Manufacturers also leave customers plenty of choice in this area. Ventilation is one example. The standard is an arrangement of holes in the wall and a ventilation box on the inside. An alternative is to install a ventilation unit on the external side. The buyer can have the room comprehensively finished. For this purpose, covers made of wood or metal, gypsum boards, among others, are used. In addition to ventilation solutions, an important addition to the vault room, which is always worth investing in, is the arrangement of wiring and sensors for the alarm system.

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What do you need to pay attention to?

We care first and foremost about your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.

  • Appropriate size of the safe
  • Type of the safe
  • Location of the safe
  • Resistance class vs. insurance
  • Lock
Guide to safes
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