The HBD1 explosion-proof door is explosion-proof up to 9 bar and is certified by the German Army laboratory. The series includes single-leaf and double-leaf models. They are characterised by a heavy steel frame, robust hinges and bearings.
External dimensions (H x W x D) 1400 mm × 1000 mm × 245 mm
Internal dimensions (H x W x D) mm × mm × mm
Weight 630 kg
Buyers rating

Write or call us +48 22 850 40 45

Our experts will help you to choose the most suitable safe.

See also other recommended safes
Prime parameters
Size of the safe
External dimensions: 1400 mm × 1000 mm × 245 mm
Choose your safe's standard colour or modify it
Key lock
Key lock
Prime parameters
Choose the right lock for your safe

As standard, most safes are fitted with a butterfly lock with two keys.

Key lock
Key lock
Mechanical lock
Mechanical lock
Electronic lock
Electronic lock
Biometric lock
Biometric lock
Smartphone lock
Bluetooth lock

A key lock is the standard security feature we use on our safes. You don't have to remember the opening code and the safe can be accessed by those with a key.

  • low price,
  • easy to use and service,
  • flush to the door,
  • ecological (no batteries),
  • access to the safe is restricted to the key holder
  • the need for secure key storage,
  • the size of the key may make it uncomfortable to carry,
  • risk of breaking or damaging the key,
  • lower security level
For whom is this lock suitable?
Choose if:
  • the price matters and you have somewhere to safely store your key,
  • you have no fear of unauthorised access to your keys and thus to the safe,
  • you like traditional, mechanical devices
Avoid if:
  • more than one person should have access to the safe,
  • you don't want to worry about storing keys or carrying them around with you,
  • you sometimes forget or lose things, especially keys,
  • you will use the safe very often or very rarely
We will be happy to advise you!
Ask our consultant about the possibility of additional safe equipment
Drzwi pancerne HARTMANN – najlepsze zabezpieczenie wielu rzeczy wartościowych
Drzwi pancerne, zwane też drzwiami skarbcowymi, są dobrą alternatywą dla przedsiębiorstw, urzędów albo osób fizycznych, chcących zabezpieczyć duże ilości przedmiotów wartościowych przed niepowołanym dostępem. Już na etapie budowy, przebudowy czy remontu warto uwzględnić drzwi skarbcowe, w przypadku gdy antywłamaniowe sejfy ognioodporne, szafy na dokumenty lub sejfy ścienne nie zapewniają dostatecznie dużo miejsca.

Ważne akta i dokumenty, pokaźne zbiory, dane osobowe, czy broń i amunicja – tam, gdzie zwykłe sejfy nie wystarczają, pomieszczenia skarbcowe z odpowiednio sprawdzonymi drzwiami pancernymi stanowią bezpieczne i wygodne rozwiązanie.
Technical details
External dimensions (H x W x D) 1400 mm × 1000 mm × 245 mm
Internal dimensions (H x W x D) mm × mm × mm
Weight 630 kg
Standard lock Key lock
Article number HBD1-1006
Further variants in this series
Article number External dimensions Weight
HBD1-1006 1400 mm × 1000 mm × 245 mm 630 kg
HBD1-1008 1400 mm × 1200 mm × 245 mm 745 kg
HBD1-1010 1400 mm × 1400 mm × 245 mm 857 kg
HBD1-2009 2400 mm × 1300 mm × 245 mm 1550 kg
HBD1-2109 2500 mm × 1300 mm × 245 mm 1550 kg

We can prepare a safe to size on request. Ask for details: +48 22 850 4045

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Who asks, does not wander

We will adapt the safe to your needs

Benefit from a no-obligation consultation. Our team, made up of more than a dozen specialists with many years of experience, will offer you the best solution and select the right safe for you.

You can also give us a call:

+48 22 850 40 45
Why Hartmann Tresore safes?
Storage of jewellery and jewellery materials
Storage of jewellery and jewellery materials
Storage of art works
Storage of art works
Storage of valuable museum exhibits
Storage of valuable museum exhibits
Holding of large cash deposits
Holding of large cash deposits
Storage of jewellery and jewellery materials
Storage of jewellery and jewellery materials
Storage of art works
Storage of art works
Storage of valuable museum exhibits
Storage of valuable museum exhibits
Holding of large cash deposits
Holding of large cash deposits